Warm Wood

Warm Wood is all about a cozy-first approach to interior design and making professional services accessible to all. With a focus on virtual consultations that offer personalized design solutions and curated recommendations style is attainable from anywhere.

This case study has been fabricated to act as a showcase of my process and skill set. The client and any associated names are fictitious.


Client Background

Warm Wood is passionate about helping people transform their spaces to positively impact their physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Warm Wood's core values are accessibility, sustainability, and customer-centricity. They offer a range of services such as personalized interior design consultations, room makeovers, and various plans based on an a wide range of budgets and individual needs.


Specialized Design Services


Living room illustration

The Problem

Warm Wood has been utilizing a static website that showcases their services and requires potential clients to fill out a contact form then communicate through email correspondence.

This system has created four major problems:

Negative Reputation

Their current system is unprofessional which can impact the amount of clients they're able to obtain.

Error Prone Workflow

The online market place is accessible and thus over saturated making it difficult to stand out.

Unproductive & Fixed Workflow

As the client grows their manual process will result in wasted time and resources, reducing their overall productivity and ability to scale.

Client Dissatisfaction

The lack of interactive and personalized online experience leads to lower client satisfaction.

The Solution

A responsive web application platform would allow Warm Wood to reach a broader audience and integrate features such as a client management system, virtual consultation tools, and an interactive design showcase.

Warm Wood can address their four problems with four corresponding solutions, which include:

Improved Reputation

A modern user-friendly platform will reinforce the brand as client-centric improving their reputation and providing a competitive edge.


By automating client interactions and design processes this would allow them to handle a larger amount of clients and support business growth.

Operational Efficiency

A web application will streamline operations reducing manual work and freeing up time to focus on design tasks leading to higher productivity and operational efficiency.

Improved Client Acquisition

A more dynamic user experience will attract more clients from diverse locations and improve client retention and satisfaction.


10 Weeks - 200+ Hours Total
2 Weeks | Design
8 Weeks | Development


  • Product Designer
  • UX Designer
  • Information Architect
  • UI Designer
  • Full-Stack Developer
  • SQL Developer


Designed & Developed by Asia Thompson